How to draw diagrams in our markdown using mermaid

Are you tired of drawing diagrams? THen you are in right place. Here i will show you how to draw diagrams in our markdown file using mermaid

Table of contents


  1. VS Code
  2. Install the following extensions in VS Code
    1. Markdown Preview Enhanced
    2. Markdown Preview Meramid Support
    3. Meramid Markdown Syntax Highlighting (optional)

Getting Started

Create a file with markdown extension ( Then copy this code and paste it there

graph TD;

Open the file in VS Code and right click and select Markdown Preview Enhanced. Then you can see this diagram there

graph TD; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; C-->D;

If you get this then your installation is successfull 🥳🥳

Render Mermaid diagram in Webpage

For this you have to use two script tags, they are :

<script src=""></script>
<script>mermaid.initialize({theme: 'dark', startOnLoad:true});</script>

For light theme you can replace that theme to light

Then you can write the mermaid diagram code inside div with class mermaid


    <script src=""></script>
    <script>mermaid.initialize({ theme: 'dark', startOnLoad:true});</script>

    Here is one mermaid diagram:
    <div class="mermaid">
     pie title Some Title
         "FRIENDS" : 5
         "FAMILY" : 2

This will produce this output:

pie title Some Title "FRIENDS" : 5 "FAMILY" : 2

You can see more examples of diagrams here